So now you have joined Oriflame and have receieved your catalogues - what next?!?! Don't panic! Below we have put together a few ideas on How to sell Oriflame products:
1) Family and friends - Start by showing the Oriflame catalogue to your family and friends.
2) Work colleagues - Take a catalogue along to work for your colleagues to see.
3) Neighbours - Let your neighbours know that you've become their local Oriflame Consultant and show them the catalogue.
4) Facebook - Reach out to all the people in your network. The latest Oriflame catalogue is always available to view online at Current Oriflame Catalogue - just post a link to the latest catalogue on your wall. Finally, you could even start your own selling page on Facebook and start getting orders from people you have never even met before!
What else can you try? Now you have become more confident and gotten to know the product range here's a few more ideas:
5) Local amenities - Leave catalogues with your contact details (make sure you remember to put your contact details on the catalogue!) in places like your local community hall, hairdressers, doctors surgery etc.
6) Have a party - whether it's just a few friends having a girls night or whether you want to book regular weekly parties in your local area this can be a great way to showcase the products, allow customers to try before they buy and, of course, have some fun!
7) Door-to-door - Another option is to go door to door in your local area with catalogues. You can either post the catalogues with an order form and your contact details through the door or, our preferred option, knock the door and talk to the people! It may seem daunting but people really do buy from people and if you can connect with them you are much more likely to gain a long term customer.
Top tips on selling Oriflame products - Tried and tested!
1) It's recommended that you collect your Oriflame Catalogue no later than 48 hours after giving it out.
2) Point out special offers - people are more likely to buy than if they are just handed a closed book. We find coloured post it notes are a cost effective but great way of highlighting the things you think are most appropriate for your customer.
3) Put packages together. Every catalogue Oriflame puts together some great bundles and packages but there is nothing to stop you creating your own e.g. create a sensitive skin care package with a cleanser, toner, day cream and night cream and show the customer how much they will save if they order during this catalogue period. It is a good idea to use some of the products already on offer in that catalogue to increase the value to your customer.
4) Use the products yourself and let people know what you're buying for your own use - friends generally have the same 'likes' and tastes and often will rely on your recommendations. Imagine how powerful it would be to visit a customer, have them compliment your fragrance and then you can sell them the fragrance!
5) Finally, remember the age old saying that people buy from people - it is SO true!