The old Oriflame 3-in-1 Make-up Remover code:
10735 (left) has been updated and repackaged as the new
Oriflame Beauty All-over Make-up Remover code: 22860 (below).
The new version is described as a 'non-oily formula, enriched with moisturising glycerin and panthenol for velvety soft skin. Chamomile extract helps smoothen your skin, and antioxidant ginger extract soothes and tones.'*

The new All-over Make-up Remover is suitable for sensitive skin and eyes, but I'd recommend a test patch first if you have very sensitive skin or haven't previously used the product. Recommended retail price £5.95 for 100ml bottle.
*Source: Oriflame Catalogue 12 2011, page 15.